Becoming More Like Christ

Becoming a better version of yourself isn’t about achieving some worldly ideal or pretending life is flawless. Instead, it’s about growing into the person God created you to be—a reflection of Christ. This growth glorifies Him and requires learning self-control, discipline, and trust in His guidance.

I’ve got to admit something upfront: becoming more like Christ isn’t easy. Some days, it feels downright impossible. You wake up with good intentions, maybe even a prayer on your lips, but by the time the coffee kicks in, life starts throwing curveballs. Somebody cuts you off in traffic, your boss dumps a surprise project on you, or your kids won’t stop arguing over who gets the last pancake. And just like that, patience, kindness, and all those other Christlike qualities feel about as far away as the moon.

But here’s the thing—I think it’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, would it really change us? Growth, real growth, only happens when we’re stretched, pulled, and sometimes even broken a little. The Bible doesn’t sugarcoat it either. Jesus said we’d have trouble in this world (John 16:33). But He also said, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.” That’s the kind of hope I hang onto, even when my patience runs thin and my temper flares up over something as small as spilled coffee.

It Starts with a Mirror

Have you ever taken a good, hard look in the mirror—not the kind of look where you check your hair or shave, but one where you look straight into your soul? It’s uncomfortable. You see every flaw, every selfish thought, every moment where you chose your way over God’s way. I’ve been there. Sometimes I still avoid that mirror because it’s easier to distract myself than to face what’s staring back.

But the thing about Jesus is that He doesn’t leave us alone in that reflection. He meets us there. He doesn’t just point out the dirt; He offers to clean it up. That’s grace, plain and simple. And grace isn’t about earning or deserving—it’s about accepting. That’s the starting point for becoming more like Christ: admitting we need Him.

The Small Stuff Matters

People often think becoming more like Christ means doing big, heroic things—feeding the hungry, traveling to far-off places to spread the gospel, or giving up all your possessions. And sure, those things matter. But I think Christ shows up just as much in the small stuff: biting your tongue when you want to snap at someone, choosing to forgive even when it hurts, or putting down your phone to really listen to someone who’s hurting.

I remember one time, years ago, when I was in line at the grocery store. The woman in front of me was moving slow—real slow. She had a fistful of coupons, and the cashier kept having to explain which ones didn’t work. I felt my blood pressure rising. I wanted to roll my eyes and mutter something under my breath. But then I caught myself. Maybe this was one of those “small stuff” moments. I took a deep breath and said a quiet prayer instead. When it was my turn, the cashier thanked me for my patience, and I realized something: kindness has ripple effects. Even the tiniest acts of grace can spread farther than we’ll ever know.

It’s Not About Perfection

Let’s clear something up right now: becoming more like Christ doesn’t mean being perfect. If perfection were the goal, we’d all be doomed. The Apostle Paul, one of the greatest figures in the Bible, flat-out admitted he struggled with sin (Romans 7:15). And if Paul couldn’t get it all right, what chance do you or I have?

Here’s what I’ve learned: it’s not about nailing every moment. It’s about the effort, the willingness to keep showing up, even when you blow it. When you fall, you get back up. When you mess up, you own it, apologize, and try again. That’s humility. And humility, I think, is one of the most Christlike qualities we can aim for. Jesus, the Son of God, washed His disciples’ feet. Think about that. If He could humble Himself like that, surely we can swallow our pride once in a while.

The Power of Surrender

One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned—and honestly, I’m still learning it—is that I can’t do this on my own. I’m a fixer by nature. If there’s a problem, I want to solve it. If something’s broken, I want to repair it. But when it comes to my heart, my flaws, and my shortcomings, I can’t white-knuckle my way to holiness. Believe me, I’ve tried.

Surrender isn’t a word that comes naturally to most of us. It sounds weak, like giving up. But in God’s kingdom, surrender is strength. It’s saying, “Lord, I can’t do this without You,” and trusting Him to do the heavy lifting. That’s where the real transformation happens—not because we’re trying harder, but because we’re leaning harder on Him.

Community Matters

Let me tell you something: you can’t do this alone. God didn’t design us to be lone wolves. Jesus Himself surrounded Himself with a community, flawed as they were. Peter, James, John—they all messed up in big ways, yet Jesus stuck with them. If He needed community, what makes us think we don’t?

Find people who will encourage you, challenge you, and hold you accountable. I’ve been blessed with a few friends who aren’t afraid to call me out when I’m acting like a knucklehead. Those are the kind of people you need in your corner—not ones who tear you down, but ones who lift you up and point you back to Christ.

One Step at a Time

If there’s one thing I’d leave you with, it’s this: don’t get overwhelmed. Becoming more like Christ is a lifelong journey, not a sprint. Some days, you’ll take giant leaps. Other days, it’ll feel like you’re crawling—or maybe even sliding backward. That’s okay. Keep your eyes on Jesus, take it one step at a time, and trust that He’s walking with you every step of the way.

Because at the end of the day, isn’t that what this whole thing is about? Walking with Him. Learning from Him. And little by little, becoming more like Him.

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